Monday, April 13, 2009

Chocolate straight after Breakfast!!

Easter Monday ~ sitting in my dressing gown beside my equally clad hubby, enjoying the sun and watching a kids movie on the TV. Maggie has successfully 'killed' her favourite toy and is now sleeping off the battle on the rug. All is well.

I think it's time I wrote a little about the other Eden Lottie Folk. Boy, have I noticed a big surge in activity, not just in those who are new to the project and therefore have lots of enthusiasm and ideas bursting out of their heads (i.e. those in Field C and D) but also in Field B and my favourite (I'm biased I know) ~ Field A.

I have lots of photos to show you, mainly from the Plots of those close to me but also from Donald's plot way over at the farthest side from us at A24a.

1stly, here is dear Ronnie.

He kind of has a full plot, it's 2 halves with a proper road in between them! A half each of 2 separate plots. He works seemingly all the time, I wouldn't be surprised if he was found down there in the middle of the night with a miner's hat on working away. You will not believe what he made yesterday with the help of his son-in-law. A Greenhouse, from scratch! We're all very impressed but secretly really rather jealous. It's roasty toasty in it.

Inspiring plot/s, no?

2ndly, here is Davy.

Like us he has a half plot and has had a major double espresso style surge of energy. I LOVE his Chiminea which is uses to make his dinner on and he has decided to grow cauliflowers in huge pots this year which I think will look fantastic and I'm looking forward to watching them develop; veggies are just as pretty as flowers a lot of the time. From his place of work he manages to get a lot of scrap (but perfectly good) wood and a lovely fence is slowly going up surrounding his little piece of Eden. I really haven't taken enough photos of his plot...

Then there's Wilma and John and Wilma's Brother Robert. They share the full plot next to us. Until recently it was covered with black plastic to keep down the weeds. When lifted weeks ago, they discovered a large family of mice living comfortably under there. Glad I wasn't there for the screams!! They have lots of potatoes planted and a good selection of other things already - Brussel Sprouts, Onions, Potatoes, Cabbage and celery, for instance.

Lastly, for this Bloggette....I was visited by Donald and his lovely wife yesterday. They asked me to take a few photos of their plot so family way up in Bushmills (yes, where they make the wonderful Whiskey) could see with their own eyes the great work they are doing. It's very impressive indeed and I hope the family is proud! ;) Andrew and I are particularly taken with the small but perfectly formed lean-to greenhouse, but we haven't room ourselves. *

Just as a wee extra - this is Ricky's shed near to Donald's , I think it's my favourite shed, just so cute and hand built by the man himself. Check out the wine glass too, my kind of Allotmenteering!

*I've more photos I'll try to get to you.
Finished this bloggette at Mamma G's house - big thanks to her for the lend of the mobile broadband thingy and for visiting us at the Lottie yesterday. To my friends that I didn't write about 'sorry' I'll get round to it xx

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